"So you don't like models because they can't execute?"
"That's right"
"And you would like models if they could execute?"
"But they can execute."
"I still don't like them."
In spite of this, he decided they all had enough in common so that he could sign the manifesto in good faith.
Then he went on to basically say that with executable models, you can be just as agile as a coder can, with the same feedback, test, etc.
It all seemed convincing to me. My concern with model driven development is reflected in Martin Fowler's remarks in the third edition of UML Distilled. Once we have a fully executing modeling system, we basically have another programming language/environment. Then it will go into competition with other programming environments. Certainly it will be higher level, better in many ways, etc., but in practical terms we have seen that it's pretty hard to get a different programming environment/language accepted. Fowler mentioned Smalltalk as a "better programming environment" that never really got widespread acceptance.
Plus, in a way that's much more vague, I admit, I find myself thinking back to Fred Brooks's classic "No Silver Bullet" article, where he basically said that programming environments weren't where the real problem lies -- even higher level programming environments could only go so far in attacking the essential complexity of software. So although I'm very much in favor of the model driven approach, I'd still be a bit wary of expecting too much improvement too soon.
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